Balance for Better
“In recent years there has been an increase in women representing all different roles within our industry. The success for this difference has been the men supporting the women in our industry.”
Kylee Naglost, Managing Director, Pro AV Solutions (SA)
Balance drives a better working world. To create a balance for better, the Pro AV Solutions team held a National event linking all offices together to celebrate diversity and inclusivity for International Women’s Day 2019. It opened up conversations and brought to light the importance of equality in the workplace and the need to support our individuality.
Today while acknowledging our individuality in the workplace, we also celebrated the one thing we share – we all work with a team of professionals who share the vision of knowing what we do is having a positive impact in our day to day lives.
At Pro AV Solutions we want to empower individuals to do their part in making sure everyone feels supported and succeeds in no matter our gender, sexuality, nationality, religion or impairment. We celebrated our diversity and our individuality all while sharing the same sense in our purpose for work – to make a difference in the AV industry.
A Word from Kylee Naglost:
There are times whereby I will be congratulated for being a woman in my position, whilst I appreciate the acknowledgement I don’t see what I do day to day any different to anyone else in any industry. Working with a team of professionals who share the vision of knowing what we do is having a positive impact in our day to day lives.
Today is a day where we want to empower all individuals to do their part in making sure we all feel support so each of us can succeed in all areas of our life no matter what our gender, nationality or personal beliefs may be. Its not about any one gender defining ourselves or needing to distinguish ourselves.
Today is a day to reflect and acknowledge that its up to each of us to accept ourselves, be good role models, bringing the best out in one another and for empowering our teams to be creative in knowing they are providing a valuable contribution to a better future.
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