Next Generation of Connectivity

What is 5G?

This network is already available, and expected to launch across the world by 2020, working alongside 3G and 4G to provide faster connections.

Designed to meet the vast large growth in data and connectivity of today’s modern society, 5G networks claim to be the next generation of mobile internet connectivity, providing multitudes faster speed than current connections, and more reliable connections on smartphones and other devices than ever before, where the average download speed of 1GBps is to be the norm.

In addition to delivering faster connections and greater capacity, another great advantage of 5G is the fast response time referred to as latency. Latency is the time taken for devices to respond to each other over the wireless network. 3G networks had a typical response time of 100 milliseconds, 4G is around 30 milliseconds and 5G will be as low as 1 millisecond. This is virtually instantaneous opening up a new world of connected applications.

This network is already available, and expected to launch across the world by 2020, working alongside 3G and 4G to provide faster connections. Although 5G will vary depending on location, country, carriers and devices, this speedy network promises to provide a much greater speed than what’s currently offered on 4G.

5G will bring a more connected world thanks to the great rise in the Internet of Things technology, and providing the infrastructure needed to carry large amounts of data.  The networks will help power a rise in Internet of Things technology, providing the infrastructure needed to carry large amounts of data. 5G aims to deliver data rates that are 10 to 100 times faster than current 4G networks, so users should expect to see download speeds of gigabits per second, greater than the tens of megabits per second speeds of 4G.

Communities and Businesses

5G network enables faster response times between devices.

This network will enable the connection of billions of devices for our smart cities, smart schools and smart homes, smart and safer vehicles, enhance health care and education, and provide a safer and more efficient place to live.

5G and IoT will provide a wealth of data allowing them to gain insights into their operations like never before. Businesses will operate and make key decisions driven by data, innovate in agriculture, smart farms and manufacturing, paving the way for cost savings, better customer experience and long term growth.

Planning your 5G Roadmap

In Australia, the communications sector will lead the rollout of 5G networks in Australia, and the government will later on create policies and regulatory environments to support in alignment with other countries, given its potential benefits to the economy.

The Department of Communications have detailed plans to support a timely rollout of 5G in Australia in 2020, spelling out the road map in their paper, 5G — Enabling the Future Economy. According to the document, the rollout of 5G in Australia will “enable the next wave of productivity and innovation across different sectors of the Australian economy”. The high-speed mobile phone network is likely to be operational in Australia from 2020 to support the collective introduction of the 5G technologies across the world.

Cyber Security Risks

Threats and actors affecting 5G Networks include the degree of sensitivity of 5G network components the degree of sensitivity of 5G network components and functions as well as other assets; and various types of vulnerabilities, including both technical ones and other types of vulnerabilities, such as those potentially arising from the 5G supply chain.

5G Explained