Footy Colours Day

Creating awareness.

Pro AV Solutions are getting behind Footy Colours Day this month. Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising campaign held during the month of September where participants are encouraged to wear their favourite footy team’s colours and host an event at their school, organisation, group or club to raise much needed funds for kids with cancer.
Fight Cancer Foundation is a National charity founded in 1989 that is dedicated to providing care, treatment and support for cancer patients and their families and funding vital research into cancer treatment and cures.

A Close Story.

For those of you who are unaware, this charity is quite close to the hearts of some people at Pro AV.

We introduce you to Tim Pollack, our NSW Sales Director, and most importantly a dad who has had the courage to share his inspiring story with us:

This month we are supporting Footy Colours Day for the Fight Cancer Foundation – something very close to me personally. For those of you who aren’t aware, this July marked a year since my son Nicolas was given the ok (not the 100% clear – yet), that he had beaten his battle with testicular cancer. As a parent and his mate, this journey was extreme. The unknown was the scariest. A lot of tears and anxiety. Last year Nicolas had surgery four days after being diagnosed and then three months of intensive chemo. It was the hardest thing to watch, but he made it. Today Nicolas lives life like any other 18 year old, and has regular check-ups. He will be deemed clear in a year if there are no relapses. This was very personal journey for my family. However this message is not just about support but about awareness. If you want to know more, reach out to me. I would be only too happy to discuss more with you personally.” 

Thank you Tim, for sharing your story with all of us.

How to Contribute.

To donate to Footy Colours Day click the link below.

Although our aim is to create awareness of how important it is to check yourself up, we are also trying to raise $5,000 to help Fight Cancer Foundation. You can help us reach our goal by making a donation through our page. It only takes a minute and any money you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way to helping us reach our target.

Thanks in advance from the Pro AV Solutions family!


Raised to date: $2,941!